After IPeria's new look and feel, including color, other branding cues, and logos, were finalized and accepted by senior staff and the Board of Directors, there was one more step to the process. I codified all of the design elements in a corporate style guide, and included practical advice on copyrights and usage. The authoritative document was instrumental in assuring that everybody within IPeria had a single source of design information.

I had another new job...Style Cop -- because not everyone follows the rules. The worst transgressors were the sales people and one or two senior executives. I frequently (and gently) reminded these busy folks that I would be glad to help them by reviewing their proposals and presentations to ensure consistency...and to protect our trademarks. 

Immediately, I became an encyclopedic resource to confirm important details. 

Typical question: "Is our company logo a registered trademark?" 
Answer: Yes, it became a registered trademark a year after I submitted it for registration with the U.S. Patent Office). 

Another frequent question:  Usually this one came from software engineers who were building the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the product: "What are the hexadecimal Web specifications for our new corporate 'grape' and 'butterscotch' colors?"
Answer:  These gastronomic nicknames, coined by the then Vice President of Marketing (and my boss), became immediate conversational standards.  Butterscotch is FFCC66 and Grape is 660066. 

And so on.

Here is the "Logos" section of the Style Guide, and a link to download the whole document in Microsoft Word format. (Go ahead...There's some really good stuff on copyright law and English grammar and usage included.)

DOWNLOAD IPeria Corporate Style Guide (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, 1.5 MB)
NOTE: Downloading .pdfs requires Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you do not have this useful application and wish to obtain it free from Adobe, click the Adobe icon and follow the instructions. The download process may work in the background and can take several minutes.

I. Logos

A. Use of the IPeria corporate logo

The word “IPeria” when used as a product name, and the IPeria logo image are Registered Trademarks of IPeria Inc. (See Section IV of this Style Guide for a complete list of trademarks and service marks of IPeria Inc.) In text, one of the following forms of notice should accompany the first use in the text of an extended document of the word "IPeria" --and this is important--when it is used as a product name:

  • the "circle-R" ® symbol

  • Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

  • Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Example: "The installation of IPeria® ActivEdgesoftware will grow your bottom line."

However, the name “IPeria” when used as the name of the company in ordinary body text is not a trademark.

Example:: "IPeria is a well-known company based in Burlington, Massachusetts, that produces IPeria® ActivEdgesoftware."

The IPeria logo device, which includes a “circle-R” ®  mark, and must be prominently displayed on all product labels, splash screens, advertising, proposals, direct mail, collateral, signage, packaging, giveaways, press releases, Web, and audiovisual materials. The IPeria logo device should be used as provided by the Company. No alterations of any kind should be made to the logo. Strict adherence to these Style Guidelines in the electronic or printed reproduction of the images is required.

It is recommended that the logo be used on a white background or in conjunction with a horizontal or vertical bar in PMS color 134 or 1345

 (See the “Corporate Color Guide” for Web and other program conversions). Approved versions for silkscreen printing or embroidery on shirts and hats are available on the IPeria Web site.

The IPeria logo (jpg format):

Minimum Size: When used as a “header” identifier on 8 ½ x 11 inch size pages and sheets, the IPeria logo must be reproduced 2 ¼ inches wide, including the ® and “speed lines.” On substrates and sheets of other sizes, use good design sense. Feel free to discuss this and any graphic issue with the Marketing Communications director. All facets of the IPeria logo must be clearly visible and image resolution must be of high quality.

B. Use of the ActivEdge trademark and logo

ActivEdge is an IPeria trademark, and its first use in a document must include a ™. The ActivEdge logo device is an IPeria trademark and includes a ™ symbol. It must be prominently displayed as detailed below on all product labels, splash screens, advertising, proposals, direct mail, collateral, signage, packaging, giveaways, press releases, Web, and audiovisual materials. The IPeria logo device should be used as provided by the Company. No alterations of any kind should be made to the logo. Strict adherence to these Style Guidelines in the electronic or printed reproduction of the images is required. It is recommended that the logo be used on a white background (see the “Corporate Color Guide” for Web and other program conversions). Approved versions for silkscreen printing or embroidery on shirts and hats are available from Marketing Communications department.

The ActivEdge logo (wmf—Windows metafile):

     1. Minimum Size: When used as a “header” identifier on 8 ½ x 11 inch size pages and sheets, the ActivEdge logo device must be reproduced 2 ¼ inches wide, including the . On substrates and sheets of other sizes, use good design sense. Feel free to discuss this and any graphic issue with the Marketing Communications director. All letters must be clearly visible and image resolution must be of high quality.

     2. When used with the IPeria logo device. The ActivEdge logo must be reproduced as shown below. When used as a “header” identifier on 8 ½ x 11 inch size pages and sheets, the ActivEdge logo device must be reproduced 2 ¼ inches wide,, with a minimum horizontal dimension no larger than the IPeria logo when they appear together unless approved in writing by corporate. All facets of the logo must be clearly visible and image resolution must be of high quality.

The combined IPeria® ActivEdge™ logos (jpg):

Text Box:



C. I can design element

The I can design element is NOT a trademark. It can be used on advertising, direct mail, collateral, signage, packaging, giveaways, presentations, press releases, Web and audiovisual materials. Its purpose is at least twofold: (1) to imply that IPeria products and services empower our customers and their customers (enabling them to say “I can….”), and (2) to provide a design element that can be used freely to enhance layouts and presentations.

At this writing, the I can element is considered to be a branding design element, similar to the Nike® Swoosh®, but again, is not a trademark. This status may change, and when it does, the status will be reflected here.

The I can design element (wmf format):

  D. The IPeria Inc. Identity Mark

The following guidelines specify usage of the IPeria Inc. identity mark. Any individuals (whether IPeria employees, consultants, outside vendors or third parties such as resellers) involved in developing communications, documentation, or packaging related to IPeria products must understand and comply with these guidelines.

1. IPeria Inc. should never appear with a comma between the two words even though it is grammatically correct, for consistency with the terminology in the company’s incorporation documentation.

2. IPeria images, logos, and trademarks may not be modified or combined with the trademarks of any other company.

3. When used by a third party, an acknowledgement line should accompany use of the IPeria logo as follows: “An authorized [distributor, reseller, etc.] of IPeria products and services.”

Copyright © 2002-8 Leonard A. Phillips, 43 Main Street, Acton MA 01720